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Insurance Information

Insurance Information of All Better Pediatrics in Memphis, TN

All Better Pediatrics accepts numerous forms of insurance plans from patients in Memphis, TN. For more information, please call us.

Insurance Information of All Better Pediatrics in Memphis, TN
Insurance Information of All Better Pediatrics in Memphis, TN

We accept all private insurance plans.

We accept Tricare, the government insurance provided to our armed forces.

We do not accept TennCare/Medicaid.

We make every attempt to produce accurate insurance claims and patient statements. However, the medical billing process is quite complex, and you might have questions about how we determined what services were provided and billed. Please contact Jeanne Russell, our Medical Biller, at (901) 761-1880 if you have any questions. Jeanne has over 10 years of medical billing experience. She is exceptionally well qualified to help you with any questions about our bills or to help you navigate the maze of barriers in the insurance company’s claims systems.

If Jeanne calls you, it is generally because she needs the information required by your insurance company before they will pay a claim. Please return her call promptly as she is your advocate with the insurance companies.